Name of product: Ibérico Bone-In Loin

Approximate Weight:

Description: A pork cut formed by the loin, tenderloin and part of the backbone

Breed: Ibérico

Organoleptic Characteristics:
- Colour: Bright red flesh.
- Texture: Consistent, fresh.
- Smell: Characteristic, fresh.
- Taste: Consistent, retractable to the touch.

- Cooling at 0-5 ºC
- Freezing at -20ºC

Product Lifetime:
- Refrigerated product: preferably consume within 15 days.
- Frozen product: 1 year

PH Level: less than or equal to 6.8

(*) Allergens: No

(*) Applicable legislation:

  • REGULATION (CE) Nº 853/2004 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 29th April 2004 establishing down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin.

  • REGULATION (EC) Nº 852/2004 of 18th November establishing the official methods of sampling in Iberian pig carcasses and the method of analysis for the determination of the fatty acid composition of the total lipids of the subcutaneous adipose tissue of Iberian pigs.

  • COMMISION REGULATION (EC) Nº 1441/2007 of 5th December 2007 amending Regulation (EC) Nº 2073/2005 concerning microbiological criteria for food products (Text appropriate for EEA).

  • Royal Decree 4/2014 of 10th January approving the quality standard for Iberian meat,ham, shoulder and pork loin.